Spielename | Genre | Veröffentlichung | Plattform |
Gears of War 4 | 3rd-Person-Shooter | 11. Oktober 2016 | PC X-One |
Geheimakte 3 | Point&Click-Adventure | 31. August 2012 | PC |
Ghost Recon | Taktik-Shooter | 22. November 2001 | PC |
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter | Taktik-Shooter | 04. Mai 2006 | PC |
Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 | Taktik-Shooter | 12. Juli 2007 | PC |
Ghost Recon Future Soldier | Taktik-Shooter | 28. Juni 2012 | PC |
Ghost Recon Online | Online-Shooter | 2012 | PC |
Ghostbusters - Das Videospiel | 3rd-Person-Action | 05. November 2009 | PC |
Global Ops: Commando Libya | 3rd-Person-Shooter | 20. September 2011 | PC |
Goin' Downtown | Point&Click-Adventure | 22. Mai 2008 | PC |
Gothic 3 | 3D-Rollenspiel | 12. Oktober 2006 | PC |
Gothic 3 - Götterdämmerung | 3D-Rollenspiel | 21. November 2008 | PC |
Grand Theft Auto IV | 3rd-Person-Action | 03. Dezember 2008 | PC |
Grand Theft Auto V | 3rd-Person-Action | 14. April 2015 | PC |
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas | 3rd-Person-Action | 10. Juni 2005 | PC |
Gray Matter | Point&Click-Adventure | 12. November 2009 | PC |
Greed Corp | Runden-Strategie | 03. Dezember 2010 | PC |
GRID 2 | Rennsimulation | 31. Mai 2013 | PC |
GRIP: Combat Racing | Fun-Racer | 06. November 2018 | PC PS4 Switch X-One |
GTR 2 | Rennsimulation | 27. September 2006 | PC |
GTR Evolution | Rennsimulation | 21. August 2008 | PC |
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series | Point&Click-Adventure | 18. April 2017 | PC PS4 X-One |
Guild Wars | Online-Rollenspiel | 28. April 2005 | PC |
Guild Wars 2 | Online-Rollenspiel | 28. August 2012 | PC |
Guild Wars Eye of the North | Online-Rollenspiel | 31. August 2007 | PC |
Guild Wars Factions | Online-Rollenspiel | PC | |
Guild Wars Nightfall | Online-Rollenspiel | 27. Oktober 2006 | PC |
Gwent | Sammelkartenspiel | PC |